Meet The Team

Noor Blumer


Noor has practised as a personal injury lawyer since 1992 and is a founding partner and director of Blumers Lawyers.

She has a Master of Laws from the ANU and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Noor is a Past President of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, Australian Women Lawyers Association and Australian Lawyers Alliance.

Noor was the inaugural winner of the ACT Woman Lawyer of the Year in 2016.

Noor likes playing the piano (poorly), playing scrabble and fighting insurance companies.

In 2021 Noor was appointed Adjunct Professor at Law for the University of Canberra’s Faculty of Business, Government & Law.



Practice Area(s):

Medical Negligence, Workers Compensation, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Public Liability and Superannuation Claims

Previous positions

2021 – current, Adjunct Professor at Law, Faculty of Business, Government & Law, University of Canberra
2015 – 2021 Member of the ACT Racing Appeals Tribunal
2018 – 2019 President, Australian Lawyers Alliance
2015 – 2020 Board Member Brave Foundation
2011 – 2013, President, ACT Law Society
2013 – 2015 ACT Law Society, Executive member as Immediate Past President
2013 – Productivity Commission Enquiry into Access to Justice Working Group, Law Council of Australia (LCA)
September 2011 – 2013 Director of the Law Council of Australia:
2011 – 2015 Vice President, Civil Liberties Australia
2013 – Chair, Percentage Based Contingency Fees Working Group (LCA)
2012 – Proportionate Liability Working Group (LCA)
2012 – 2013 Audit & Risk Committee of the Law Council of Australia (LCA)
2007 – 2010 Chair, Equalising Opportunities in the Law Committee (LCA)
2007 – 2010 Chair, Equalising Opportunities in the Law Committee, Law Society of ACT
2002 – 2006, Australian Women Lawyers, President, Treasurer and Board member
Law Council of Australia, committees/working groups:
• Judicial Appointments Working Group,
• Model Conduct Rules Committee,
• National Court Appearance Survey Committee, and
• Equitable Briefing Policy working group.


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